Limestone digital Academy
We not just teach you programming, we give you systemic knowledge and skills that will help you to work with any of the most popular languages and frameworks.
Basic course JavaScript + Node.js
Next Step - you will learn how a Front-End and a Back-End are connected with each other, how data stores. How to build and maintain Back-End applications using Node.js, work with databases and test your own application.
The course is over
JavaScript + React Developer
You will learn about all the features from beginner to PRO level: development environment, GIT version control system, basic JavaScript (data types and work with them, structure and work with client-server requests, work with DOM) also you will find out about advanced JavaScript (OOP in JS, ES6-ES12, Functional Programming in JavaScript).
Next step - you will learn how to work with React in Web-application development (React Basics, Functional Components, Hooks, Redux). After this course, you will be able to execute and develop React applications and be part of the global React developer community.
The best students will be offered a job at Limestone Digital!
The course is over
С# Developer
The best students will be offered a job at Limestone Digital!
The course is over
About us
In just a little more than 3 years, the company has seen tremendous growth and has 75 people on board as of 2020.

We’re inspired by working with other companies that are eager to grow, just like us!